Marketing & Branding Strategy Consultancy

we make
brands roar

You don’t need another cute creative design agency.
You need a strong marketing & branding strategy consultancy.


a new
isn’t going to grow your business

Roar Point is a strategic marketing & branding consultancy that helps your company grow faster and profit more by building the right foundation for your marketing plan and then laying the right path for your market growth solutions.


and yes, we can create creative work that drives business growth too.

But that is just a small part of our capabilities. We are equally at home developing marketing plans and business direction, managing your product portfolio that eventually affects your brand architecture (you know the way you name your brands and sub-brands, we will dismantle it if need be or we may suggest a renovation to your house of brands or branded house as the case may be), crafting your brand story (or purpose, story, positioning, DNA, soul, essence whatever term you use) and developing your communications plans.

Not Just Another Creative Advertising Agency

roaring stories beautifully told, many products sold.

We work with Board of Directors, C-Suite executives (CEO, COO, CMO, CCO, CFOs yes, even CFOs) and senior managers to develop and leverage strategic marketing and communications as the business catalyst of the company where profit soars and the foundation of growth is nurtured.

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